Category: Asbestos Yarn Carders

Categories: Textile Workers | Occupations by Name

This category is used for profiles of persons in this occupation. This category is managed by the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with categorization.

The only description I can find of what an Asbestos Yarn Carder would do, is a current description. They tend the carding machines, clean, mix and straighten the asbestos, stops machine and removes fiber from clogged rollers, cleans machine with rake, etc. This description can be found on under the job description of "Intermediate Card Tender."

Person Profiles (1)

21 Sep 1882 Pennsylvania - 29 Dec 1929 photo

This page was last modified 17:27, 9 January 2020. This page has been accessed 348 times.