Category: Australia, World War I
Categories: Australia, Military History | World War I
Container category.
This category is for grouping subcategories of Australia's involvement in World War One. Please add individual profiles to narrowest category possible.
- To find sub-categories for service units, containing profiles, see the following categories:
- Category: Australian Imperial Force, World War I contains categories for infantry battalions, artillery units, light horse units, and other units that served overseas.
- Category: Australian Army Medical Corps, Australian Imperial Force, World War I contains categories for field ambulances and field hospitals.
- Category: Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force, World War I
- Category:Australian Commonwealth Military Force, World War I
- Category: Australian Flying Corps, World War I
- Category: Royal Australian Navy, World War I
- Profiles will be added to this category if The Great War Sticker is added to a profile, and the parameter branch=Australia is used, and no unit parameter is added.
This category is managed by the The Great War 1914-1918 Project in association with the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with both categorization and Great_War.
Subcategories (22)
A cont.
D cont.
Pages (4)
Person Profiles (2)
This page was last modified 08:20, 16 May 2023. This page has been accessed 1,732 times.