Category: Ballyeaston 1813 Census Members
This is a category for people who were on the Ballyeaston 1813 Census. It is part of the Ballyeaston 1813 Census DNA Project.
Hugh Adams
abt 1768 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
James Adams
abt 1802 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Jenny Adams
abt 1799 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
John Adams
abt 1811 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary Adams
abt 1796 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert Adams
abt 1805 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Rose Adams
abt 1808 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Agnes Ballentine
abt 1804 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Fanny Ballentine
abt 1808 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland - 25 Aug 1866
Houston Ballentine
abt 1812 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland - 28 Aug 1900
Isabella Ballentine
abt 1806 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Ballentine
abt 1774 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William Ballentine
abt 1810 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Martha Bamford
abt 1803 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary (Bamford) Adrain
1793 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, Antrim, Ireland - 08 Jan 1883
William Bamford
abt 1799 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Elisabeth (Banford) Bamford
1796 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jackson Banford
abt 1789 Ballyeaston, County Antrim, Ireland - 1877
William (Banford) Bamford
1768 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Agnas Baxter
abt 1805 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
David Baxter
abt 1803 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
David Baxter
abt 1745 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Baxter
abt 1778 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Baxter
abt 1811 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margret Baxter
abt 1808 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Beggs
abt 1790 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Beggs
abt 1796 Ireland - aft 1860
John Beggs
abt 1804 Dunamoy, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
John Beggs
abt 1785 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margaret Beggs
abt 1801 Dunamoy, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Martha Beggs
abt 1799 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Martha Beggs
abt 1802 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary (Beggs) Stewart
abt 1795 Dunamoy, County Antrim, Ireland - abt 1860
Robert Beggs
abt 1763 Dunamoy, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert Beggs
abt 1806 Dunamoy, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Samuel Beggs
abt 1756 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William Beggs
abt 1755 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William Beggs
abt 1796 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Ann (Blain) McClean
abt 1809 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland - 12 Nov 1863
Jane (Blain) Arthurs
abt 1806 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jenny (Blain) Houston
abt 1801 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margaret Blain
abt 1803 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary (Blain) Love
abt 1811 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Blain
abt 1779 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland - 27 Mar 1864
Robert Bones
abt 1773 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Alexander Craig
1802 Ballyboley, Antrim, Ireland - 07 Dec 1875
Elenor Craig
abt 1793 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Elisabeth (Craig) Forsythe
abt 1800 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Hugh Craig
abt 1791 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Craig
abt 1787 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane (Craig) Crawford
abt 1806 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland - 05 Nov 1864
John Craig
abt 1762 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Craig
abt 1798 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margaret Craig
abt 1808 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Martha (Craig) Whiteford
abt 1793 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland - 27 Nov 1872
William Craig
abt 1766 County Antrim, Ireland - abt 1833
William Craig
abt 1795 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William Craig
abt 1810 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Bernard Dimpsey
abt 1783 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Andrew Gardner
abt 1788 County Antrim, Ireland - 25 Oct 1882

William Gardner
abt 1810 County Antrim, Ireland - 12 May 1886

Fanny Gawn
abt 1792 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane Gawn
abt 1800 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jenny Gawn
abt 1787 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Gawn
abt 1761 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Gawn
abt 1806 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Gawn
abt 1795 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Graham
abt 1796 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
G cont.
Jane Graham
abt 1794 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Agnas Greenlees
abt 1811 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Greenlees
abt 1788 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Isabella Greer
abt 1768 Ireland
James Hanna
abt 1776 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Hanna
abt 1809 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Agnas Hill
abt 1798 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Easter Hill
abt 1804 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Ellen Hill
abt 1810 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane Hill
abt 1812 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jennet Hill
abt 1793 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Hill
abt 1776 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Hill
abt 1809 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Hill
abt 1808 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margret Hill
abt 1803 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary Hill
abt 1803 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert Hill
abt 1767 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert Hill
abt 1806 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Samuel Hill
abt 1757 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Ann Houston
abt 1803 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Eliza Houston
1838 Ballyeaston, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Hugh Houston
abt 1745 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane Houston
abt 1792 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jennet Houston
abt 1803 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Martha (Houston) Huston
abt 1810 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Samuel Houston
07 Dec 1797 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland - 25 Apr 1877
Hugh Hume
abt 1738 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Hume
abt 1796 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Hume
abt 1799 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Hume
abt 1787 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Hume
abt 1787 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William Hume
abt 1793 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William Hume
abt 1781 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Ann Huston
11 Mar 1785 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Elisabeth Huston
abt 1807 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Ellen Huston
01 Dec 1807 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Hugh Huston
07 Sep 1799 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
James Huston
27 Mar 1805 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Jennet Huston
abt 1805 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Huston
abt 1768 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Huston
abt 1811 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary Huston
abt 1805 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert Huston
abt 1747 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert Huston
11 May 1792 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Huston
abt 1809 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William Huston
16 Jul 1787 Tildarg, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
James Isner
abt 1763 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane Isner
abt 1798 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Rachel (Laird) Houston
abt 1758 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Elisabeth Magee
abt 1793 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margret Magee
abt 1795 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Martha Magee
abt 1799 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary Magee
abt 1797 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Samuel Magee
abt 1763 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Marshall
abt 1786 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane Marshall
abt 1812 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
David Masky
abt 1802 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Masky
abt 1755 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James Masky
abt 1811 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Masky
abt 1807 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Martha Masky
abt 1797 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary Masky
abt 1797 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Sara Masky
abt 1804 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Alexander Mayne
abt 1785 Carnlea, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Andrew Mayne
abt 1789 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Ann Mayne
abt 1794 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Ann Mayne
abt 1806 Carnlea, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
M cont.
Elisa Mayne
abt 1807 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Elisabeth (Mayne) Beggs
abt 1799 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland - abt Jan 1850
Elizabeth Mayne
abt 1789 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
George Mayne
abt 1804 Carnlea, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Hugh Mayne
abt 1782 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane Mayne
abt 1800 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane Mayne
abt 1792 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane Mayne
abt 1853 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane Mayne
abt 1753 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John Mayne
abt 1811 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland - 29 Jul 1866
John Mayne
abt 1788 Carnlea, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Margret Mayne
abt 1798 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margret Mayne
abt 1796 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary Mayne
abt 1809 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert Mayne
abt 1793 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Mayne
abt 1784 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Mayne
abt 1752 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Mayne
abt 1796 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Mayne
abt 1761 Carnlea, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Mayne
abt 1800 Carnlea, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
William Mayne
William Mayne
abt 1783 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William Mayne
abt 1795 Carnlea, Rashee, County Antrim, Ireland
Agnes McAlister
abt 1812 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Alexander McAlister
abt 1773 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jennet McAlister
abt 1774 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Martha McAlister
abt 1808 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Mary McAlister
abt 1810 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert McAlister
abt 1740 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert McAlister
abt 1806 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William McAlister
abt 1775 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John McAuley
abt 1809 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margaret McAuley
abt 1791 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert McAuley
abt 1761 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Susan McAuley
abt 1800 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas McAuley
abt 1793 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Andrew McBroom
abt 1793 County Antrim, Ireland - 23 Oct 1872
Hugh McBroom
abt 1796 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John McBroom
abt 1799 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Walter McBroom
abt 1756 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Walter McBroom
abt 1790 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
George McCan
abt 1810 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John McCan
abt 1781 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margaret McCan
abt 1812 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Nancy McCan
abt 1806 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Samuel McCan
abt 1812 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John McCullough
abt 1751 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Margret McCullough
abt 1789 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William McIlroy
abt 1790 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Elen McIlwain
abt 1792 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Hugh McIlwain
abt 1797 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane McIlwain
abt 1806 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John McIlwain
abt 1803 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
John McIlwain
abt 1757 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Martha McIlwain
abt 1794 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert McIlwain
abt 1805 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Thomas McIlwain
abt 1799 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
William McIlwain
abt 1809 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jennet McMeekin
abt 1811 Coggrey, Doagh Grange, County Antrim, Ireland
Robert McMeekin
abt 1783 - 29 Nov 1847
Margaret (McMeiken) Graham
abt 1813 Coggrey, Doagh Grange, County Antrim, Ireland
Elen McMillan
abt 1803 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Henry McMillan
abt 1812 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
James McMillan
abt 1805 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
Jane McMillan
abt 1801 Ballyboley, Ballycor, County Antrim, Ireland
This page was last modified 01:17, 31 March 2024. This page has been accessed 350 times.