Category: Beunis-2 Stage-2
This is a personal category of Filip Beunis. Please do not edit or delete this category, and do not add or remove profiles.
The profiles in this category
- contain a source for a birth and/or baptism record, or a research note explaining their absence.
- contain a source for a marriage record, or a research note explaining its absence.
- have their "Proper First Name" field filled in correctly, and corresponding status indicator set.
- have their "Middle Name" field filled in correctly, and corresponding status indicator set.
- have their "Last Name at Birth" field filled in correctly.
- have their "Language" field filled in correctly.
- have their "Birth Date" field filled in correctly, and corresponding status indicator set.
- have their "Birth Place" field filled in correctly, and corresponding status indicator set.
- have their "Gender" field filled in correctly.
- have their "Marriage Date" field filled in correctly, and corresponding status indicator set.
- have their "Marriage Place" field filled in correctly, and corresponding status indicator set.
- have connected profiles for their parents, if known.
- have a connected profile for the spouse, if known.
Next steps on the to-do list of Filip Beunis for profiles in this category:
- add a source for a death and/or burial record, or a research note explaining its absence.
- fill in the "Preferred Name" field correctly, and set the corresponding status indicator.
- fill in the "Current Last Name" field correctly, and set the corresponding status indicator.
- fill in the "Death Date" field correctly, and set the corresponding status indicator.
- fill in the "Death Place" field correctly, and set the corresponding status indicator.
Once these tasks have been completed, the profile can be moved to stage 3.
Person Profiles (8)
This page was last modified 09:53, 24 January 2020. This page has been accessed 78 times.