Category: Beunis-2 Stage-8
This is a personal category of Filip Beunis. Please do not edit or delete this category, and do not add or remove profiles.
The profiles in this category
- contain a basic biography section.
- contain a source for a birth and/or baptism record, marriage records for all the spouses, and a death and/or burial record, or a research note explaining their absence.
- have all their fields filled in correctly, and have all their status indicators set correctly.
- have connected profiles in at least stage 4 for their parents, if known.
- have connected profiles in at least stage 4 for all known spouses, if any.
- have connected profiles in at least stage 4 for all known children, if any.
Next steps on the to-do list of Filip Beunis for profiles in this category:
- perform a thorough search for other information and sources.
Once these tasks have been completed, the profile can be moved to stage 9.
This page was last modified 10:18, 24 January 2020. This page has been accessed 45 times.