Category: Brandt-1372 False 9205

Categories: Brandt-1372

There is no such thing as a "False 9205". DBE 9205 is a 'listing of categories, and is not a suggestion or error list.

Sunset Memory Garden, Kokomo
Ward Burial Site, Tippah County, Mississippi
Swasey Family Cemetery, Mona, Utah
Trinity Churchyard, New Rochelle, New York
Union Soldiers Gravesite, Troy, Mississippi
Teerpenning Family Ground, Esopus, New York
Teeter Family Plot, Nogalus Prairie, Texas
Västra kyrkogården, Karlstad, Värmland
Temple Garden of Memories, Temple, Texas
Threadgill Family Plot, Glendale, Texas
Westminster Abbey
Västra kyrkogården, Göteborg, Västra Götaland
Stucker Family Graves, Hartsville, Indiana
Great Hanging Burial Site, Gainesville, Texas
Category:Tomb of the Unborn Child at Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio --> Deleted by Harris-5439 12:31, 15 May 2019 (UTC)

This page was last modified 18:08, 23 March 2023. This page has been accessed 86 times.