Category: Brandt-1372 False 9205
There is no such thing as a "False 9205". DBE 9205 is a 'listing of categories, and is not a suggestion or error list.
- Sunset Memory Garden, Kokomo
- Ward Burial Site, Tippah County, Mississippi
- Swasey Family Cemetery, Mona, Utah
- Trinity Churchyard, New Rochelle, New York
- Union Soldiers Gravesite, Troy, Mississippi
- Teerpenning Family Ground, Esopus, New York
- Teeter Family Plot, Nogalus Prairie, Texas
- Västra kyrkogården, Karlstad, Värmland
- Temple Garden of Memories, Temple, Texas
- Threadgill Family Plot, Glendale, Texas
- Westminster Abbey
- Västra kyrkogården, Göteborg, Västra Götaland
- Stucker Family Graves, Hartsville, Indiana
- Great Hanging Burial Site, Gainesville, Texas
- Category:Tomb of the Unborn Child at Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio --> Deleted by Harris-5439 12:31, 15 May 2019 (UTC)
This page was last modified 18:08, 23 March 2023. This page has been accessed 86 times.