Category: Breckenridge County, Minnesota

Categories: Minnesota

Breckenridge County, Minnesota

Section 4. That so much territory as is embraced in the following described limits be, and the same is hereby created into the county of "Breckenridge."--Beginning at the point where the township line between towns one hundred and thirty-six and one hundred and thirty-seven intersects the right bank of the Red River of the North, thence northerly down the channel of said Red River to the intersection of the line between townships one hundred and forty-four and one hundred and forty-five, to the corner of townships one hundred and forty-four and one hundred and forty-five, ranges forty-three and forty-four west of the fifth principal meridian; thence south along said range line between ranges forty-three and forty-four to the corner of townships one hundred and thirty-six and one hundred and thirty-seven north, ranges forty-three and forty-four west; thence west along said township line between townships one hundred and thirty-six and one hundred and thirty-seven to the place of beginning. The county seat of said county shall be located at "Shayenne City," until removed by a majority of the voters in said County. County of Breckenridge, pp. 61-62; Section 4. Boundaries of the County of Breckenridge. Session of 1859-60; General Laws of the State of Minnesota.

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