Category: Brethren Ministers

Categories: Occupations by Name | Religious Occupations | Brethren Movement

Name: Brethren Ministers
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High Level Category: Please do not use on individual profiles. Add profiles to the narrowest applicable category further down the Religious Category Structure. See How to Categorize and Category Religious Occupations Formatting.

Brethren is a name adopted by a wide range of mainly Christian religious groups throughout history which do not necessarily share historical roots, including some of the earliest primitive churches, the Brethren of the Free Spirit, the Schwarzenau Brethren and some Anabaptist groups, the Moravian Brethren, and the Plymouth Brethren, among many others as part of the historical Brethren Movement. Wikipedia: Brethren (religious_group) Where possible, the profiles of people who were Brethren Ministers should be categorized in more specific categories which identify the group in which the person was a minister.

Subcategories (3)

Person Profiles (6)

27 May 1684 Grebenau (Kr. Alsfeld), Hessen, Germany - 19 Mar 1758
04 May 1879 Frederick, Maryland, USA - 1945
25 Sep 1877 Konteniusfeld, Berdiansk, Tavrida, Russian Empire - 16 Oct 1964 photo
1910s - 2000s Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography (Orange)
16 Jul 1816 Augusta, Virginia, United States - 11 Jul 1903
abt 1858 Armagh, County Armagh, Ireland - 06 Dec 1924

This page was last modified 18:58, 23 March 2019. This page has been accessed 285 times.