Category: British Columbia, Notable Inventors
Categories: British Columbia, Notables | Canada, Inventors
This category is generally maintained by the Category Project and used for profiles of persons in this occupation and location.
This category is managed by the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with categorization.
This category is designed for notable inventors who were born or worked in British Columbia, Canada. For WikiTree's purposes, a person is defined as "notable" if they have an entry in Wikipedia, or some some similar resource such as The Canadian Encyclopedia, the Dictionary of Canadian Biography, the Canada Heirloom Series, or some similar resource, or if they have been designated as a Person of National Historic Significance, or awarded the Order of Canada, the Order of British Columbia, or some other recognition. For BC inventors who do not qualify as "notable", please use some other appropriate category such as the Inventors category.
There is also a page for British Columbia Inventors, where you can find (and contribute to) a list of people in this category. That page is designed to help keep track of people who belong in this category, whether they have profiles on WikiTree, what needs to be done to complete those profiles, etc.
Pages (1)
Person Profiles (3)
This page was last modified 23:20, 30 April 2019. This page has been accessed 71 times.