Category: Brittons of Ireland - DNA Project

Categories: DNA Projects | Britton Name Study

This is the category page for the Brittons of Ireland DNA Project. We categorise profiles on Wikitree as follows:


The patriarchs of all our project testers (oldest male ancestor) will be shown here.

To add your oldest male 'Britton' ancestor to this list, add this text to your biography [[Category:Patriarchs_of_the_FTDNA_Brittons_of_Ireland_Project]]


For Family Finder project members, whose oldest known ancestor is a matriarch i.e. female, they will be shown here.

To add your oldest female 'Britton' ancestor to this list, add this text to your biography [[Category:Matriarchs_of_the_FTDNA_Brittons_of_Ireland_Project]]

DNA Confirmed

Ancestors who are considered DNA confirmed can be found here. These can only be added by the project administrator. For more information, please contact Veronica Williams.

Project Members
Our project members who are also Wikitree members can choose to add their name to our members list which can be accessed here. To add you name to this list, add this text to your biography [[Category:Members of the FTDNA Brittons of Ireland Project]]

More Information
This page is an ongoing work in progress, please contact Veronica Williams the Project Administrator, should you wish to add more information to these pages or need help.

Subcategories (4)

Pages (2)

This page was last modified 22:35, 21 March 2021. This page has been accessed 247 times.