Category: Canada, Cemeteries

Categories: North America, Cemeteries | Canada

Parallel category hierarchies in other languages (en): en | fr |
Name: Cemeteries in Canada
Location:Category: Canada
FindAGrave Area:Search
Project / Team:Global Cemeteries
See also:Ask questions in G2G using the tags Cemeteries and Categorization
This is a high level category. Please do not add individual profiles. Add
profiles to the narrowest category possible. See How to Categorize.
For help creating cemetery categories see How to Categorise Cemeteries

Cemetery categories are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Canada, Cemeteries]] . For more information on naming and categorizing cemeteries, see: How to Categorize Cemeteries.

If you're interested in photographing Canadian tombstones and adding the information to WikiTree profiles, please join the Cemeterist Project!

Necro Canada

From the website
Provides information on death notices published in Canada by various funeral homes. Necro Canada, a search engine specialized in obituary, daily updates the publication of notices of death, allowing increased visibility to an additional gateway to pay a final homage to the deceased or at least pay him a posthumous tribute.

Canadian Obituaries

Appears to only have obituaries for Toronto, Durham, and Halton regions of Ontario


Search Engine available
Obituaries, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks

Subcategories (15)

This page was last modified 12:48, 19 October 2023. This page has been accessed 4,963 times.