Category: Cape of Good Hope Project Needs Validation
Categories: Cape of Good Hope Project Maintenance Categories
Profiles in this category are sometimes PPP't already for various reasons, but still need primary sources or, if these are not available, very reliable secondary sources to determine if LNAB, parents, relatives, and dates, places etc. are correct or still need to change.
To add profiles to this category, add the template like this (or copy and this one) to the top of the bio of the profile:
Note: If profiles have multiple 'needs', we can add three needs per template {{Dutch_Cape_Colony|needs= |needs1=|needs2=}} for the other 'needs' you can use the category that normally is automatically created by the template (just copy the one here and paste it to the top of the Bio of the profile) if the profile has more than one need:
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This page was last modified 17:20, 14 January 2020. This page has been accessed 30,817 times.