Category: Castles
- This category contains pages and categories of castles of the individual countries.
The word castle is derived from the Latin word castellum which is a diminutive of the word castrum, meaning "fortified place". The Old English castel, Old French castel or chastel, French château, Spanish castillo, Italian castello, and a number of words in other languages also derive from castellum. The word castle was introduced into English shortly before the Norman Conquest to denote this type of building, which was then new to England. See Wikipedia:Castle
- The Free Dictionary on Castle
- Medieval castles
- Castles of the World
- Haunted Castles
- Architecture
- Wikipedia Castles in Scotland
- Wales Project, Castles
- The Castles of Wales
Subcategories (5)
Pages (1)
This page was last modified 20:18, 2 January 2021. This page has been accessed 707 times.