Category: Chunky Creek Confederate Cemetery, Chunky, Mississippi

Categories: Newton County, Mississippi, Cemeteries | United States Civil War Cemeteries | Chunky, Mississippi

Name: Chunky Creek Confederate Cemetery
Location:Category: Chunky, Mississippi
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Profiles are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Chunky Creek Confederate Cemetery, Chunky, Mississippi]] .

Chunky Creek Confederate Cemetery is located near Chunky, Newton County, Mississippi. Soldiers killed in a 1863 train wreck. An effort has been made to find the location of their graves but their trench type graves were not permanently marked and overtime their exact locations were lost.

See: History.

Person Profiles (1)

1844 - 19 Feb 1863 photo

This page was last modified 17:56, 11 October 2023. This page has been accessed 130 times.