Category: Church of England in Australia Archdeacons
Categories: Anglican Archdeacons | Australia, Anglican Clergy
Archdeacons should be placed in categories for archdeacons of their member church of the communion. Anglican Archdeacons serving in Australia between 1825 and 1981 are categorized here. Those serving from 1981 forward should be categorized under Category: Anglican Church of Australia Archdeacons.
There are three basic levels of ordination in Anglicanism: bishop, priest and deacon. All ordained ministers start out as deacons. Most move on to become priests in about a year. Archdeacons are usually the most senior clergy in an Anglican diocese after the bishop. However, in the Church of England, the Church of Scotland, the Anglican Church of Canada and the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, the most senior priest in the diocese after the bishop is the Dean of the cathedral church. Archdeacons are usually priests, but may be deacons in member churches where women are not permitted to become priests or where a deacon is given supervision over other deacons. See Wikipedia: Anglican ministry.
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