Category: Cimetière Saint-Charles, Sedan, Ardennes

Categories: Commonwealth War Graves Commission | World War I Cemeteries | Ardennes, Cemeteries | Ardennes, Cimetières | Sedan, Ardennes

Name: Cimetière Saint-Charles
(also known as Sedan St. Charles Communal Cemetery
Cimetière communal de Sedan)
Location:Category: Sedan, Ardennes
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Project / Team:Cemeterist
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Profiles are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Cimetière Saint-Charles, Sedan, Ardennes]] .

This cemetery includes a Commonwealth war graves plot.

Le cimetière communal de Sedan, ou cimetière Saint-Charles, contient un carré militaire britannique, un carré militaire français (soldats de la 1ère guerre mondiale), un carré juif et un monument allemand de la 1ère guerre mondiale.

Person Profiles (2)

1884 East Preston, Sussex, England, United Kingdom - 03 Jun 1918 photo
05 Sep 1892 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom - 11 Oct 1918

This page was last modified 14:21, 9 February 2024. This page has been accessed 50 times.