Category: Clews-14 Dawnine Name Project
A collection of profiles with the name DAWNINE of that exact spelling. We are curious where this name may have come from and what the connection may be between any of us who have this name.
My name is Dawnine and I am the only person I have ever known with that name. No one I have met personally has known another with this name. I have contacted several others through facebook and e-mail about the name but have not gotten far in finding its origins. Several of us were named for family friends or aunts with the name. In my own case, my mother knew someone in college with the name but spelled Doneen or a similar spelling. She and my father changed the spelling.
This page is simply a collection of curiosities of the same spelling.
Cheers. Dawnine
Research Notes: Currently searching for "Dawnine"s in the Social Security Application and Claims Database at Most are done but there are a few more to go as time allows.
- Nov 2018: Search for "Dawnine" (first name) in England & Wales National Probate Calendar, on, turned up 0 results.
Person Profiles (13)

This page was last modified 15:27, 17 November 2018. This page has been accessed 70 times.