Category: Coat DNA Project - DNA confirmed

Categories: Coat DNA Project | Coat Name Study

Coat DNA Surname Project

The Coat DNA Surname Project categorises profiles on Wikitree as follows:

  • The patriarchs of all our project testers (oldest male ancestor) are shown here.
  • For Family Finder project members, whose oldest known ancestor is a matriarch ie. female, they are shown here.

This category has been set up to list ancestors who are considered DNA confirmed. PROFILES CAN ONLY BE ADDED to this category by one of the Project Administrators. The profiles listed in this category are those where DNA testing has confirmed that the lineage of at least two different testers intersects to identify the most recent common ancestor (MRCA). The profile of the MRCA should be listed here.

It is a work in progress, please do not hesitate to contact one of the project administrators should you wish to add additional profiles to this page. Linda Coate - Project Administrator; or Veronica Williams, Co-Administrator.

To go straight to the FTDNA results pages use the links below:-

Inappropriate profiles attached to this category

  • None at present, November 2018.


The patriarch groups list on the FTDNA results page are organised into groups and numbered. Each group is then allocated a patriarch who is the oldest historically proven ancestor in the group where member lines intersect and can be validated via documented sources (primary sources preferred). If Y-DNA and Autosomal DNA results intersect further back, then they are also taken into account in determining the group patriarch.

The following 'group' list outlines the ancestors identified as at November 2018, for groups with more than one member. These may be different from the 'MRCA - DNA Confirmed' captured by this category.

07 -

10 - Henry Coate 1595 -1662 Somerset England. Confirmed by Y-DNA.

20 - John Coat b1826 Huntspill Somerset, d Australia. Confirmed by Y-DNA.

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FTDNA Autosomal Results

For autosomal results please refer to the following table, click here.

Please note - These pages are currently being re-written. Apologies for any inconvenience. Please do not hesitate to contact Veronica Williams if you have any questions or comments about this material.

Subcategories (2)

Pages (1)

Person Profiles (3)

abt 1826 Huntspill, Somerset, England - 01 May 1907 photo
1595 Curry Rivel, Somerset, England - 1662
13 Jun 1738 Huntington, New Jersey - 25 Sep 1822

This page was last modified 03:58, 20 February 2021. This page has been accessed 445 times.