Category: Colepaugh Name Study
This is the companion category for the Colepaugh Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study template (which will add the category automatically).
{{One Name Study|name=Colepaugh}}
- results in:
Please see the Colepaugh Name Study project page for more information about the Colepaugh surname.
Category setup for the Colepaugh Name Study
The Colepaugh Name Study category is a high level category and should not be used on profiles. It is preferred that all profiles contained in the project be designated to a specific location for the benefit of correctly identifying family lines.
Colepaugh Name Study category hierarchy when used with a location would look something like this:
By Name Study:
[[Category:One Name Studies]]
- [[Category:Colepaugh Name Study]]
[[Category:United States, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:United States, Colepaugh Name Study]]
[[Category: New York, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:New York, Colepaugh Name Study]]
[[Category:Dutchess County, New York, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:Dutchess County, New York, Colepaugh Name Study]]
[[Category:Columbia County, New York, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:Columbia County, New York, Colepaugh Name Study]]
[[Category:Canada, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:Canada, Colepaugh Name Study]]
[[Category:New Brunswick, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:New Brunswick, Colepaugh Name Study]]
[[Category:Northumberland County, New Brunswick, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:Northumberland County, New Brunswick, Colepaugh Name Study]]
By Location:
[[Category:United States of America]]
- [[Category:United States, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:New York]]
- [[Category:New York, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:New York, Colepaugh Name Study]]
- [[Category:Dutchess County, New York, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:Dutchess County, New York, Colepaugh Name Study]]
- [[Category:Columbia County, New York, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:Columbia County, New York, Colepaugh Name Study]]
- [[Category:Dutchess County, New York, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:New York, Colepaugh Name Study]]
- [[Category:New York, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:New York]]
- [[Category:Canada, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:New Brunswick]]
- [[Category:New Brunswick, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:New Brunswick, Colepaugh Name Study]]
- [[Category:New Brunswick, Name Studies]]
- [[Category:New Brunswick]]
Subcategories (5)
Pages (1)
Person Profiles (1)
This page was last modified 16:06, 3 November 2020. This page has been accessed 215 times.