Category: Compton-2184 Living ConleyDye Import
This is a personal category.
Profiles in this category were created by someone else with the import of Conley - Dye,_2010-11-16.ged on 24 May 2011 (link to WikiTree+ search). I adopted them because I am interested in studying these southwest Virginia families. I am not, to my knowledge, related to these profiles. I have no information about these profiles aside from what is on WikiTree.
Some of the profiles are for possibly/probably living people, and have been tagged with appropriate privacy levels per WikiTree guidelines.
A unique feature of this gedcom is that many of the profiles had erroneous dates of death, just one year after the ancestor's birth. This error prevents those profiles from being easily findable.
If these profiles are in your family or are relevant to your genealogical research, feel free to contact me to request access to view and edit these profiles by clicking here:
Person Profiles (36)
![Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)](/images/icons/bullet40.gif.pagespeed.ce.7lGE_padw6.gif)
![Privacy Level: Private Privacy Level: Private (Red)](/images/icons/bullet20.gif.pagespeed.ce.BXM9pIsnNK.gif)
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![Privacy Level: Private Privacy Level: Private (Red)](/images/icons/bullet20.gif.pagespeed.ce.BXM9pIsnNK.gif)
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![Privacy Level: Public Privacy Level: Public (Green)](/images/icons/bullet50.gif.pagespeed.ce.oD4zecOxY-.gif)
This page was last modified 08:23, 16 February 2023. This page has been accessed 137 times.