Category: Courtenay Name Study

Categories: One Name Studies | DNA Projects

This is the companion category page for the Courtenay Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study sticker (which will add the category automatically).

This is a One Name Study to collect together in one place everything about the surname Courtenay, Courtney, Courteney and its variants. The hope is that other researchers like you will join our study to help make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cross or intersect. Please contact the project leader, add categories to your profiles, add your questions to the bulletin board, add details of your name research, etc.

Whilst categories are named as being for example 'England Courtenays', the category is intended for the use of all name variants of the name Courtenay/Courtney/Courtnay etc.

Profiles should be listed under each known place of birth, death, marriage or significant genealogical connection.

If there is no known place of birth, please ensure that the profile also is attached to the category Category: Unknown Birthplace, Courtenay and Courtney Name Study' to allow for further research.

To find out more details about the FTDNA Courtenay/Courtney Surname Project please click here or go straight to the yDNA results table.

Other resources:

Subcategories (10)

Pages (1)

Person Profiles (2)

03 Dec 1905 Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand - 1999
abt 1503 Loughtor, Devon, England - aft 04 Oct 1581

This page was last modified 19:58, 22 April 2019. This page has been accessed 295 times.