Category: Covenanter
THE COVENANT, OR NATIONAL COVENANT A protestation signed all over Scotland in 1638, in which the subscribers swore to defend the Protestant religion and to resist all contrary errors and corruptions. The Scottish Presbyterians co-operated with the English Puritans in putting down episcopacy, ie they believed that a Christian church did not need Bishops. In Scottish history, groups of people bound by oath to defend Presbyterianism. Covenant of 1581 sought to combat Catholicism. Covenant of 1638 opposed innovations of Archbishop Laud, especially use of English Book of Common Prayer. They resisted the armies of King Charles I in Bishops’ Wars (1639-40) and supported Parliament in Puritan Revolution only after acceptance (1643) of Solemn League and Covenant pledging Presbyterian State Church in England and Ireland. Their power broken by Cromwell’s conquest of Scotland in 1650. After restoration, Covenanters were alternatively coerced and persuaded to accept episcopacy but stubbornly resisted. Troubles ended with Glorious Revolution (1688). (The Columbia-Viking Desk Encyclopaedia). The "coercion" mentioned above included deportation as slaves to Virginia, USA, hangings, drownings and all manner of diabolical tortures.
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