Category: Diffley Name Study

Categories: One Name Studies

Name: Diffley Name Study
WikiTree page:Space: Diffley Name Study
Genealogy:Diffley genealogy
Map of Profiles:WikiTree+ Maps

This is the companion category for the Diffley Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study template (which will add the category automatically).

This profile is part of the Diffley Name Study.

{{One Name Study|name=Diffley}}

results in:

Pages (1)

Person Profiles (17)


abt 1886 Clooneagh, Mohill - abt Feb 1951
abt 1897 Clooneagh, Mohill - 1966
1920s - 2010s Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow) photo
abt 1887 Clooneagh, Mohill - abt 1960
1896 Clooneagh, Mohill - 1952
abt 11 Mar 1927 Clooneagh, Mohill - abt 29 Mar 1984
abt 1857 Clooncarreen, County Leitrim, Ireland - 1920 photo

D cont.

abt 1894 Clooneagh, Mohill - abt 1948
abt 1929 New Jersey, United States - aft 2002
abt 1888 Clooneagh, Mohill - abt Sep 1953
18 Sep 1925 Clooneagh, Mohill - abt 19 May 1998
abt 25 Jun 1884 Clooneagh, Mohill - abt 1980
15 Aug 1885 County Leitrim, Ireland - 20 Jan 1951

D cont.

abt 02 Jan 1830 Edercloon, Roosky
abt 1889 Clooneagh, Mohill - abt 1914
abt 1856 - abt 1891 photo
abt 1883 Clooneagh, Mohill - abt 1904

This page was last modified 00:17, 14 January 2021. This page has been accessed 52 times.