Category: Dominion of Canada Rifle Association
Categories: Canada, Athletes | Canadian Armed Forces | Sport Shooting
The Dominion of Canada Rifle Association (DCRA) (French: Association des Fusiliers du Dominion du Canada) was founded in 1868 and incorporated by an Act of Parliament 63-64 Victoria Chapter 99, assented to July 7, 1900, to promote and encourage the training of marksmanship throughout Canada.
The passage of this Act was prompted by the imminent departure of the British Garrisons, who had all left by 1871, and by the then recent experience of the Fenian Raids which had occurred in 1866 against Canadian territory.
The National Range of the DCRA became the Rideau Range, just behind the current location of the Russian Embassy in Ottawa. In 1897 the last Annual Prize Meeting was held on the Rideau Range since the Association had selected a more suitable location, with greater distances for long range shooting, at Rockcliffe. The site consisted of 380 acres and permitted shooting from 200 yards to 1000 yards with room for extension back to 2000.
It was also in 1897 that the DCRA constructed is own permanent accommodation at Bisley, England. Canadian Teams had been attending the Annual Matches in England since 1870, the first Team being sent by the Ontario Rifle Association. The first DCRA Team went to Wimbledon in 1873 and continued to do so each year until the matches moved to Bisley in 1889. 1997 marked the Centennial of the construction of the Macdonald Stewart Canadian Pavilion at Bisley.
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