Category: Dutch Emigrants
Categories: Migration Maintenance | Netherlands Project | The Netherlands
The profiles and subcategories on this page need to be reviewed for the new Migration structure.
This category was created June 23, 2013. It is designed to parallel other categories in Category:Migration as a place for profiles of migrating Dutch ancestors. If your Dutch ancestor embarked for America no later than October 1674 and, upon arrival, settled in New Netherland, your ancestor meets the criteria of the New Netherland Settlers project and should be listed under the category New Netherland Immigration also. See the New Netherland Settlers project page for more information.
Although the categories New Netherland Immigration and The Dutch Cape Colony 1652-1806 include non-Dutch emigrants, they are included here as subcategories for convenience.
Person Profiles (4)
This page was last modified 14:51, 9 January 2022. This page has been accessed 1,375 times.