Category: Edward Medal
Categories: British Isles and Ireland, Civil Decorations
- This category groups profiles of recipients of the Edward Medal.
The Edward Medal (EM) named after (King Edward VII) is a British civilian decoration which was instituted by Royal Warrant on 13 July 1907 to recognise acts of bravery of miners and quarrymen in endangering their lives to rescue their fellow workers. The original Royal Warrant was amended by a further Royal Warrant on 1 December 1909 to encompass acts of bravery by all industrial workers in factory accidents and disasters, creating two versions of the Edward Medal: Mines and Industry. The Edward Medal was discontinued in 1971, when surviving recipients of the Edward Medal were invited to exchange their award for the "George Cross".
For information about this medal, see:
Pages (1)
Person Profiles (3)
This page was last modified 13:06, 16 June 2023. This page has been accessed 92 times.