Category: Et

Categories: WikiTreers by Language

These active WikiTreers are native speakers of Estonian.

To include yourself in this category, put the following text on your profile page: {{Languages | et}}

People in the subcategories speak Estonian with varying degrees of proficiency, between et-0 (no Estonian at all) and et (native speakers):

  • et-0: no knowledge of Estonian (ei oska eesti keelt)
  • et-1: a basic knowledge of Estonian (algaja tasemel)
  • et-2: intermediate knowledge of Estonian (keskmisel tasemel)
  • et-3: advanced proficiency (väga heal tasemel)
  • et-4: near-native proficiency (emakeelega võrreldaval tasemel)
  • et: native speaker (emakeel)

Subcategories (5)

Person Profiles (1)

Living Toots photo

This page was last modified 01:15, 15 February 2017. This page has been accessed 220 times.