Category: Family Group 7, Parker Name Study

Categories: Parker Name Study

This category is part of the Parker Name Study for members sharing a common ancestor of FTDNA Parker Family Group #7. Family groups are defined on the Family Tree Parker Y-DNA projects page. A link to that site is available on the Parker Name Study page.

Use the following sticker text to add a profile to this page.

{{One Name Study| name = Parker| category = Family Group 7, Parker Name Study}}

For additional information, see Y-DNA Family Groups Project Description.

See: Parker Name Study main page.

See: Uncategorized Parker profiles.

The following link is a visualization aid.

  1. Click the link and
  2. when the page opens select Layers and check Google Maps.
  3. Then open Persons and check "Birth/Death location, Migration, and/or Color By century.

Person Profiles (3)

abt 1755 Nansemond County, Virginia - abt 1827
1719 Chowan, North Carolina - abt May 1781
abt 1723 Northampton County, North Carolina - abt 1798

This page was last modified 13:12, 25 January 2024. This page has been accessed 53 times.