Category: Finland, Hall Name Study

Categories: Hall Name Study

This is a subcategory of the Hall Name Study.

This category is for individuals who were born, died, married or proven residence in Finland.
You can have it added to the profile by adding the category parameter for the Hall Name Study:

{{One Name Study|name=Hall|category=Finland, Hall Name Study}}

This results in adding the One Name Study graphic link for the Hall Name Study and the Category for the Finland, Hall Name Study to the profile.
Additional states can be listed as another category

[[Category:Finland, Hall Name Study]]

this code will just add the category for the Finland, Hall Name Study to the profile.

Person Profiles (1)

02 Jan 1835 Karjaa, Finland - 01 Sep 1875

This page was last modified 14:15, 19 November 2021. This page has been accessed 99 times.