Category: France, Garrigues Name Study

Categories: Garrigues Name Study

These are people named Garrigues or Garrigue in France.

To add a profile to this category add the One Name Study Sticker specifying this category:

{{One Name Study|name=Garrigues|category=France, Garrigues Name Study}}

Subcategories (9)

Pages (1)

Person Profiles (25)


1767 France
1565 France
abt 1520 France
1570 France
abt 1500 France
abt 1625 France
abt 1670 France
abt 1700 France
1763 France

D cont.

1765 France
16 Jun 1875 Toulouse, France - 03 Nov 1965 photo
abt 1829 France


abt 1841 France
1875 France
05 Feb 1878 France
abt 20 Feb 1866 France - 06 Mar 1952
Apr 1868 France

G cont.

Oct 1882 France
abt May 1840 France
bef 1656 - aft 1691
Nov 1884 France
Mar 1881 France
1892 France
abt 1754 France

This page was last modified 14:09, 3 April 2021. This page has been accessed 328 times.