Category: Fulkerson Name Study

Categories: One Name Studies

Name: Fulkerson Name Study
WikiTree page:Space: Fulkerson Name Study
Genealogy:Fulkerson genealogy
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This is the companion category for the Fulkerson Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study template (which will add the category automatically).

This profile is part of the Fulkerson Name Study.

{{One Name Study|name=Fulkerson}}

results in:

This is the subcategory for the Fulkerson Name Study. It is my hope to aid others in researching this name and its variants and to also promote connections between those of us related through this family.

Known Surname Variants


Origins Beginning with New Netherlands settler Dirck "De Noorman" Volckertszen the name began. He was born in Norway circa 1595 and was named so as his father's first name was Volkert (or a variation of such). Continuing with the patronymic naming convention, his children were known with the surname of Dircks. Once the British took over the colonies that once belonged to the Dutch, this naming practice was stopped and a common surname was passed from generation to generation. Dirck's descendants through his son's Volkert Dircks three sons are known by the Fulkerson, Folkertson, or Volkertsen name.

Volkert Dirck's three sons were:

Dirck Volkertson
Philip Volkerse
Nicholas Folkertsen

Pages (1)

Person Profiles (10)

17 Dec 1890 Harrison Township, Clay, Indiana, United States - 30 May 1949
07 Dec 1653 Noormans Kill, Beverwijck, Nieuw Nederland - 1698
15 Nov 1643 New Amsterdam, New Netherland - 1688
abt 1670 Bushwick, Kings County, Long Island, New York Colony - 1739
17 Aug 1914 Harrisburg, Saline, Illinois, United States - 22 May 2001
19 Jan 1837 Hallsville, Boone, Missouri, United States - 07 Jan 1892
11 Nov 1893 Pennsylvania, United States - Feb 1987
1595 Bergen, Hordaland, Norway - 24 Apr 1677
1672 Bushwick, Brooklyn, Kings, New York - 15 Mar 1759
1667 Bushwick, Province of New York - 22 Jun 1754 photo

This page was last modified 16:18, 3 November 2020. This page has been accessed 454 times.