Category: Greece

Categories: Europe (en)

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Name: Greece
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Project / Team:Greece
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Hellenic Republic; Greek: Ελλάς / (Ellás), Ελληνική Δημοκρατία / (Elliniki Dimokratia)

Greece (Greek: Ελλάδα, Ellada), officially the Hellenic Republic, is a country in Southern Europe, politically considered part of Western Europe. (Source: Wikipedia: Greece)

Subcategories (25)

Pages (1)

Person Profiles (6)

abt 04 Jan 1895 Pelecanda, Greece - 06 Sep 1955
abt 1860 Greece - abt 1950
15 May 1885 Greece - 30 Oct 1957
abt 1846 Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, Australia - 23 Oct 1917
abt 1875 Greece
abt 1875 Greece

This page was last modified 13:13, 8 February 2024. This page has been accessed 1,443 times.