Category: Hankins Name Study

Categories: One Name Studies

So I'll go first here: Our line goes back to an area on the border between North and South Carolina (Georgetown, Cape Fear, etc.). The family legend is that three brothers came over from Glasgow, Scotland. The name Hankins is very rare in Scotland. If we were really from there, it's possible three brothers leaving exhausted the supply. OTOH, Hankins do tend to come from Dymock, so it's possible Glasgow was just a convenient point of departure.

Of the putative three brothers, one is entirely absent. One is mentioned exactly once (David Hankins), and one actually kicked off the whole thing: Dennis Hankins Hankins-1129

The first couple of generations are a work in progress. There's plenty of confusion to go around due to two unidentified Hankins (father and son) dying in a boating accident, war service, hazy memories and a confounding tendency to reuse the same names outside of direct lineal descendancy. We'll get it worked out,but right now it's a mess.

Hankins mostly spread from there to the Southeast, but by now we're throughout the country.

So far the Hankins project doesn't have our DNA, but speculates we belong to the "Southside Virginia" group, which appears to hail from Holland rather than England (although many English were more or less exiled to Holland for a time--in fact that's where the Pilgrims started from). Buttressing this notion is the fact that a Hankins descendant was surprised when the DNA on the Hankins side of the family produced some hits vis-a-vis ancestors of hers known to be from Quaker settlements, like the ones on the Maryland/Pennslvania border (East Nottingham) that were experiencing a migration to the Carolinas, and which would ultimately result in a lot of them moving on to Ohio.

It could have been just early intermarriage with the Quakers, or it could be we actually *were* Quakers. Hard to tell. If we were Quakers, we didn't want to give up our slaves when the Quakers came out against slavery, so then we weren't Quakers anymore.

But I digress. Here's the DNA project page:

We are likely not the oldest Hankins line in the country, or the most numerous. But the only way to find out is that DNA.

BTW, I'm

Pages (1)

Person Profiles (9)

24 Oct 1876 Tennessee, United States - 01 Sep 1955
06 Nov 1792 Brunswick County, North Carolina, United States - 05 Jan 1859 photo
06 Jul 1949 Akron, Summit, Ohio, United States - 22 Nov 2012
11 Mar 1922 Bledsoe, Tennessee, United States - 22 Feb 1969
01 Dec 1850 Arkansas, United States - 12 Nov 1943
16 Oct 1904 Iowa, United States - 05 Jun 1979
17 Apr 1905 McCammon, Bannock, Idaho, United States - 18 Dec 1991
15 Apr 1859 Harrison, Ohio, United States - 14 Jul 1934

This page was last modified 17:17, 20 June 2019. This page has been accessed 108 times.