Category: Henderson-2297 mtDNATesterWanted

Categories: Henderson-2297

Profiles listed here are in need of a volunteer willing to test their mtDNA and thus provide a mitochondrial haplogroup for the women listed.

You, yourself, can be male or female, but your ancestry HAS to lead back from your mother via her mother, and back up the chain of mothers, to an ancestor listed here.

A free mitochondrial DNA test from FamilyTreeDNA is on offer if you can show that you qualify.

Please contact me via my WikiTree profile Lorna Henderson

To see those who can have inherited the mtDNA for those below, and are already documented on WikITree, look across at the rhs of their profile and click on the link for carriers of their ancestor's mitochondrial DNA under:

DNA Connections It may be possible to confirm family relationships with (profile name) by comparing test results with other carriers of her ancestors' mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA test-takers in the direct maternal line:

If you can add information/descendants for lines into the mix, that would be great - please!


mitochondrial DNA info on the ISOGG Wiki
my personal FTDNA project (yes it is primarily for autosomal DNA but mtDNA candidates of the below are welcome)

Person Profiles (19)


abt 1750 Kippen, Stirlingshire, Scotland
abt Oct 1827 Beer Alston, Devon, England - 24 Apr 1881
16 Jan 1829 Elden, Moorfields, London, England


abt Jul 1831 Newton Mill, Tavistock, Devon, England - 06 Jun 1897 photo
14 Feb 1823 Newton Mill, Lamerton, Devon, England - 28 Mar 1891
abt Dec 1818 Lamerton, Devon, England - abt Jan 1892


abt 1758 Hownam, Roxburghshire, Scotland - Jul 1816


abt Apr 1792 Bere Ferrers, Devon, England - 08 Oct 1863
abt Jun 1786 Bere Ferrers, Devon, England - abt Jan 1858


abt Aug 1767 Ashdon, Essex, England - May 1852
abt Apr 1758 Bere Ferrers, Devon, England


abt 1780 Stapleton, Cumberland, England - 28 Sep 1846
abt 1820 Chesterhouse, Par. of Southdean, Roxburghshire, Scotland - 12 Jan 1883 photo

S cont.

1862 Bere Alston, Devon, England - abt 15 Dec 1950


26 Aug 1894 Plymouth, Devon, England - abt Feb 1977
abt Jun 1803 Saffron Walden, Essex, England - aft 1861
abt Apr 1796 Saffron Walden, Essex, England


abt 1783 Bowden, Roxburghshire, Scotland - 07 Sep 1858
26 Apr 1896 Manchester, Lancashire, England

This page was last modified 01:52, 16 October 2022. This page has been accessed 193 times.