Category: Henry Draper Medal

Categories: Science and Technology Honors and Medals

Landing level category
This category contains profiles of Draper Medal recipients.

The Henry Draper Medal is awarded by the United States National Academy of Sciences "for investigations in astronomical physics". Named after Henry Draper, the medal is awarded with a gift of USD $15,000. The medal was established under the Draper Fund by his widow, Anna Draper, in honor of her husband, and was first awarded in 1886 to Samuel Pierpont Langley "for numerous investigations of a high order of merit in solar physics, and especially in the domain of radiant energy". It has since been awarded 45 times. The medal was most recently awarded in 2013 to William J. Borucki "For his founding concept, unflagging advocacy, and visionary leadership during the development of NASA's Kepler mission, which has uncovered myriad planets and solar systems with unforeseen and surprising properties.".


Person Profiles (2)

11 Dec 1863 Dover, Kent, Delaware, United States - 13 Apr 1941 photo
04 Nov 1871 San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA - 16 May 1959

This page was last modified 21:04, 13 January 2020. This page has been accessed 446 times.