Category: Hull-3944 Add Child
These profiles may be missing a connection to a child or children. Check the profile for any details already found about a children or for research notes that may suggest where to look for them.
Action required:-
- search for vital details (some details may already be within profile information like a child's name and date of birth which may be listed in the profile of one or other of the parents.)
- search for and connect to existing wikitree profile for child, or
- if child has no existing profile create profile for missing child.
Research Suggestion:-
- search Trove archive for birth/engagement/marriage notices (& wedding photos) of the child and also funeral notices and obituaries of parents and siblings which may contain names (and sometimes the married names) of the missing child.
- Search FamilySearch for birth, death, burial, marriage and other details
- Search local state birth (or even Death) record indexes
- Searching local state birth or Death record indexes with parent name may give results that show child (with misspelt name) of that parent
- Search local cemeteries for burial records that may show birth and/or death details of children
- Search Electoral roles for others living in same house as parents/siblings (At State library, state archives, or on
- Search Census may show birth details of children (on, and
Person Profiles (2)
Arthur Gliddon
07 Jun 1821 Devon, England - 04 Sep 1891
James Pointing
abt 1788 Chilcompton, Midsomer Norton, Somerset, England
This page was last modified 00:52, 22 June 2017. This page has been accessed 50 times.