Category: Indiana, Eastman Name Study
Categories: United States, Eastman Name Study
"The Rix History states that Philip Eastman (1763) settled in Indiana but further information is not available. However, it is known that Jacob W. Eastman and William W. Eastman, both ministers, were in Indiana at a very early date. Records also show that Joseph Eastman lived at Pendleton, Ind. in 1834. John Calvin Eastman, a minister, was born at Crawfordsville in 1845, his father having moved there several years earlier."
- Eastman, Charles John. That Man Eastman. Hollywood, California, self-published, 1952.
This category is part of the Eastman Name Study. In particular, it contains the names of the Eastmans who were born, lived, or died in Indiana. Please contact the project leader, Judy Bramlage, for more information.
Person Profiles (11)
This page was last modified 14:40, 24 November 2021. This page has been accessed 63 times.