Category: Invitations, Duncan Name Study

Categories: Duncan DNA | Duncan Name Study

This is a list of WikiTree participants to whom an invitation has been sent.

Brian Burke II Burke-6300 invitation sent 4/26/2019

  • James Duncan 3/21/2019 Gedmatch #A211371 Duncan-7561 2nd request 3/31/2019 received email with ok to use dna on 4/18/2019
  • Charles Benbow T362352 triangulation on chr 15 with M105043 and M782619 3/22/2019
  • Violet (Ray) Garrett Ray-1818 Gedmatch #M685636 (found on Roger Duncan Duncan-13067) she passed away in 2017 (mother to Donald Garrett)
  • Bill Rodgers T678849 sent invitation 4/3/2019 4/4 rcd by email ok to use.

  • Laura (Grigsby) McRae CF9495674 sent invitation 4/7/2019 provided ok by emal for her and her father. Gedmatch #AR5258302.
  • John McAnally DV3658530 sent invitation 4/7/2019 recvd ok by email 4/7/2019
  • Beverly Ahrens Gedmatch #A347667 sent invatiation 4/17. recvd ok to use DNA 4/17/2019 by email.
  • James Clark ancestry DNA member jclark4548. sent invitation 4/24/2019 ok to use CA4823301 by email 4/25/2019
  • John Ralls Gedmatch #T832913 Invitation sent 6/8/2019. Connection thru Farquher family Matthew Duncan immigrant from Ireland. Daughter Jane married James Farquher.

email for invitations:

My name is Carrol Fish and I am running the Duncan One Name Study. I came across your DNA information on a Duncan profile I was working on.

Will you consent to the use of your DNA results in the Duncan ONS? The purpose of the study is to connect Duncan cousins to each other, and map out our Duncan ancestors talationshiips to each other by using DNA, and ultimately mark our Duncan ancestors as DNA confirmed.

There is no actions required to participate in the Duncan ONS unless you want to help in other ways. You will be informed when a triangulation group is found and your ancestors marked as DNA confirmed. It will not be used for any other purpose.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions about the Duncan ONS, please ask.

Carrol Fish Duncan-12685

email for outside invitations:

Hi cousin My name is ... and I am your distant cousin. I am in the process of verifying our Duncan ancestors by DNA. I am involved with the Duncan One Name Study (ONS).

Will you consent to the use of your DNA dates in the Duncan ONS? The purpose of the study is to compare DNA of Duncan cousins to each other, identify the Duncan ancestors we share matching them to the correct siblings and parent groups, and ultimately verifying the family groups by DNA triangulation.

The basis of the study is to use DNA uploaded to

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This page was last modified 17:17, 8 June 2019. This page has been accessed 151 times.