Category: Islands and Provinces, Indonesia

Categories: Indonesia

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The subcatgegory "Islands and Provinces of Indonesia" refers loosely to present-day provinces. Because province designations change but islands do not, Islands or portions of them, (i.e. Central Java) are also subcategorized here. Indonesia has 34 provinces, eight of which have been created since 1999. Subcategories should generally name of the province or island only, and may also be subcategories of Dutch East Indies.

ProvinceIndonesian acronymCapital
Special Region of AcehAcehBanda Aceh
Bangka–Belitung IslandsBabelPangkal Pinang
Central JavaJatengSemarang
Central KalimantanKaltengPalangkaraya
Central SulawesiSultengPalu
East JavaJatimSurabaya
East KalimantanKaltimSamarinda
East Nusa TenggaraNTTKupang
Jakarta Special Capital RegionDKICentral Jakarta
LampungLampungBandar Lampung
North KalimantanKaltaraTanjung Selor
North MalukuMalutSofifi
North SulawesiSulutManado
North SumatraSumutMedan
Special Region of PapuaPapuaJayapura
Riau IslandsKepriTanjung Pinang
Southeast SulawesiSultraKendari
South KalimantanKalselBanjarmasin
South SulawesiSulselMakassar
West JavaJabarBandung
West KalimantanKalbarPontianak
West Nusa TenggaraNTBMataram
Special Region of West PapuaPapuabaratManokwari
West SulawesiSulbarMamuju
West SumatraSumbarPadang
Special Region of YogyakartaDIYYogyakarta

See: google search

Subcategories (15)

This page was last modified 20:43, 27 August 2020. This page has been accessed 344 times.