Category: Isolano's Croatian Cavalry Regiment, Imperial Army, Holy Roman Empire, Thirty Years' War

Categories: Imperial Army, Thirty Years' War

On June 22, 1625, at the recommendation of Wallenstein, Emperor Ferdinand II appointed Isolani as the commander of his own Croatian cavalry regiment consisting of 14 companies and totaling 600 men. This regiment was actively involved in the Pommerian campaign from September 1630 to January 1631. A detachment of this regiment also fought alongside Tilly at Neu-Brandenburg and Werben in August 1631, and at Breitenfeld in September 1631 as part of Fürstenberg's forces, where it suffered significant casualties. In August 1632, the regiment under Wallenstein's command participated in the battle at Alte Veste, and in November 1632, it was positioned on the left wing under Holk's leadership during the Battle of Lützen. Following the Lützen battle, the regiment became part of Holk's corps during the invasion of Saxony. Lastly, after taking part in the Battle of Nördlingen in September 1634 on the right wing, the regiment was disbanded. The regiment was notorious for the atrocities it committed on civilians.

Person Profiles (1)

1586 Görz, Görz, Küstenland, Austria, Holy Roman Empire - Mar 1640

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