Category: J. Montgomery Seaver Fraud
Categories: Frauds and Fabrications
Jesse Montgomery Seaver (1890-1975) was an American who published and sold numerous fraudulent genealogies in the 1920s and 1930s, all or most of which were supposedly published by the fake "American Historical-Genealogical Society." His first two books, "The Seaver Genealogy" (1924) and "The Holcomb Genealogy" (1925) are considered legitimate. The subsequent books are not. Some of his books are available for free online at Hathi Trust.
For an account of his life and career, see "The Strange Case of Jesse Montgomery Seaver, Rogue Genealogist" on pages 15-19 in The CONNector: Connecticut State Library newsletter. Vol. 19, #2, May 2017: link to the newsletter and link to the specific article. Also see G2G thread "Questionable Source: American Historical-Genealogical Society".
Titles for these surnames have been found on the internet: Allen, Baker, Bell, Bennett, Brooks, Campbell, Carr, Chase, Cook, Davis, Ford, Gordon, Hughes, Hunter, Jackson, Keith, Kennedy, Lee, Macdonald, Martin, Murray, Perkins, Price, Reynolds, Roberts, Robertson, Rogers, Stewart, Taylor, Thomas, Wallace
This category is a location to identify the profiles of people whose biographies or family histories have been affected -- or may have been affected -- by J. Montgomery Seaver's fraudulent genealogies. "Affected" is the operative word -- listing in this category does NOT mean that the profile itself is fraudulent; hopefully it is listed because the fraud has been identified and corrected.
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