Category: Judy-74 Needs RNLF Number
This is the personal sub-category workspace of Lundie (Judy) Pinner where I track my work in process tasks and notes. Please don't remove them from the profiles I've added them to. See the topic help for more info on the use of Personal Categories.
The items in this sub-category came from my grandfather's genealogical collection, The FORMAN Family Name Index Book. The Family pages each have an ID number, which I call the RNLF Number. This gives me a way to reference where I got the info as I get more familiar with his record keeping methods.
I inherited the book and boxes of research documentation upon his death, and more upon the death of his sister. The book was compiled by my grandfather, Robert Forman and his sister, Phoebe-Jane Garland.
Person Profiles (2)
This page was last modified 07:05, 19 June 2019. This page has been accessed 368 times.