Category: Kashgar (1914)
Categories: Peninsular and Oriental Line | 1910s Ships | Ships by Name
- Container category
This is a Ship Name Category for Linking categories grouped by the Ships Voyages
Not intended for the Categorisation of individual Profiles which can be Categorised under the following Voyage Categories
but If you don't know which voyage your individual traveled on or it isn't listed yet, then link them here so that at some stage they can be moved to the correct voyage.
- - Voyages to Australia are usually dated by their arrival date at their final destination.
- - Not all Voyages may be listed
This category contains landing level categories for voyages of this ship.
- Rigging: A Steel Twin Screw Steamer,
- Built: 1914
- Built In: Greenock
- Tonnage: 9,005g 5,538n
- Built By: Caird & Co.Ld.
- Dimensions: 480.0 x 58.2 x 33.7
- KASHGAR from PASSENGERS IN HISTORY: An initiative of the South Australian Maritime Museum. first accessed online on the 18th of November, 2023
- NOTE: According to the His Majesty's Australian Transports (HMAT) Ships list on the Australian Light Horse Research (The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre) website:
- The RMS Kashgar weighed 8,840 tons with an average cruise speed of 15 knots or 27.78 kmph. It was owned by the P & O SN Co, London.
Subcategories (1)
This page was last modified 04:07, 18 November 2023. This page has been accessed 24 times.