Category: Killed in Action, Italy
Categories: Killed in Action | Italy, Armed Forces
- This category contains the landing level categories for those of Italian armed forces who were killed in action in an armed conflict.
Please use for "country served" and not for the country in which the person was killed.
Category Help
- Category Description
- How to add to a profile
- Default outline for this category
- How to create a new Killed in Action, <country>, <war>
- Adding the Profile to the Roll of Honor
This category is managed by the Roll of Honor Project in association with the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with both categorization and Roll_of_Honor.
Subcategories (2)
Person Profiles (1)

This page was last modified 02:09, 1 March 2020. This page has been accessed 204 times.