Category: Kilmallock Graveyard, Ballymurn, Wexford
Categories: County Wexford, Cemeteries | Ballymurn Lower Townland, Kilmallock Parish, County Wexford
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Kilmallock Graveyard is an historic cemetery in the Oylegate Parish in County Wexford.
The Ballyburn Heritage Group published a booklet in August 2014 called 'In loving memory of all interred in Kilmallock Grave Yard, County Wexford'. The booklet includes Cemetery Listings and Inscriptions and a map of the Graveyard. (Added by Veronica Williams 18:13, 25 March 2015 (EDT)).
Person Profiles (3)
This page was last modified 13:50, 19 January 2023. This page has been accessed 398 times.