Category: Kingdom of Naples
Categories: Former Countries in Europe | Italian History | 18th Century | 19th Century | Metropolitan City of Naples
Kingdom of Naples
The Kingdom of Naples was an historical state, of what is today Italy covering the southern portion of the Italian peninsula from the Middle Ages to 1860.
Kingdom of Naples on Wikipedia
- persons on Wikipedia with nationality Kingdom_of_Naples and a WikiTree profile
Source material:
- The civil history of the Kingdom of Naples: In two volumes; by Pietro Giannone
- Parthenopoeia, or The history of the most noble and renowned kingdom of Naples with the dominions therunto annexed and the lives of all their kings; The first part by S. M., made English by S. Lennard. The second part compil'd by James Howell, etc
- For Nobility and Noble Houses see material available at Foundation for Medieval Genealogy as first resource.
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Person Profiles (8)
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