Category: Kirksey Name Study
This is the companion category page for the Kirksey Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study sticker (which will add the category automatically).
Please ADD to your KIRKSEY ancestors, descendants or Cousins this tag ........
... | [[Category:Kirksey Name Study]] |
If you know the state and county, .... | [[Category:<county name>, <state name>, Kirksey Name Study]] |
If you know only the state, .... | [[Category:<state name>, Kirksey Name Study]] |
If you know only the country, .... | [[Category:<country name>, Kirksey Name Study]] |
When you add the tag to your ancestors it will automatically add them to the Kirksey list.
Subcategories (2)
Pages (1)
Person Profiles (88)
K cont.
K cont.
This page was last modified 10:41, 17 May 2019. This page has been accessed 452 times.