Category: Language Resources

Categories: Genealogy Help | WikiTree Help

This category is for listing non-English language resources. This is to help both English speakers who want to research information in another language, and non-English speakers who need help with English language resources.

WikiTree is a collaborative resource. We need volunteers with language skills to assist all of us. If you think you can help please participate and add/edit the list as appropriate. You may be able to help by creating a glossary page for your language that interprets WikiTree/genealogy terminology, or perhaps naming conventions are different in your birth country.

If you are bilingual and willing to volunteer some of your interpreting skills to other WikiTreers you might also like to join our list of volunteers. If you are seeking help from one of these volunteers please remember that they can only give what they can. Approach with no expectations and any help you receive will be a bonus!

This project is being led by Kylie Haese. Please contact Kylie to participate. We need your help!

See also the Language Project.

Subcategories (2)

Pages (39)

This page was last modified 17:40, 19 July 2024. This page has been accessed 6,961 times.