Category: London, Family Brick Walls

Categories: Greater London | England, Family Brick Walls

This category is part of the England Project. If you're interested in helping to break down these family brick walls, contact the project leader about how to join!

Person Profiles (9)

abt 1810 England, United Kingdom
abt 1759 London, England - 1833 photo
25 Nov 1796 Untersimonswald, Waldkirch, Kastelberg, Breisgau, Vorderösterreich, Heiliges Römisches Reich
abt 22 Jun 1694 - bef 1800
abt 1780 England - abt 1830
abt 1790 - aft 1850
19 Feb 1816 London Bishopsgate, Middlesex, England - abt 1880
abt 1763 - abt 1802
abt 1691 St. Mary, Whitechapel, Middlesex, England - abt 02 May 1746

This page was last modified 09:35, 23 June 2022. This page has been accessed 106 times.