Category: Luty Name Study

Categories: One Name Studies

Name: Luty Name Study
WikiTree page:Space: Luty Name Study
Genealogy:Luty genealogy
Map of Profiles:WikiTree+ Maps

This is the companion category for the Luty Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study template (which will add the category automatically).

This profile is part of the Luty Name Study.

{{One Name Study|name=Luty}}

results in:

Pages (1)

Person Profiles (31)


1851 Stourton le Steeple, Nottinghamshire, England - 1931


1784 Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire, England - abt 08 Nov 1836
1788 Burton Leonard, Yorkshire, England
1792 Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire, England
1779 Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire, England - 07 Apr 1783
1783 Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire, England
1790 Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire, England - 08 Mar 1791
abt 1756 Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire, England - 1813
1896 Outwood, Yorkshire, England
1908 Outwood, Yorkshire, England
1907 Outwood, Yorkshire, England

L cont.

1897 Outwood, Yorkshire, England - 1972
1904 Outwood, Yorkshire, England
1842 Dartford, Kent, England, United Kingdom
1890 Outwood, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1877 Lofthouse Gate, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1892 Outwood, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1876 Leeds, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1856 Burghwallis, Yorkshire, England
1879 Lofthouse Gate, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom - 1888
1886 Outwood, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom

L cont.

1849 Askern, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
abt 1803 - 03 May 1859
1875 Leeds, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom - 1952
1852 Askern, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1895 Outwood, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1884 Outwood, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1881 Lofthouse Gate, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom - 1882
abt 1827 Ripon, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom - 1903


1873 Oldbury, Worcestershire, England


1758 Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire, England

This page was last modified 11:50, 16 January 2024. This page has been accessed 88 times.